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Exciting News!

I am honored to announce that I now have gallery representation at Gallery02 in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Gallery02 is known for selecting top-notch artists from the region and beyond, and I am thrilled to be included in such a distinguished group. This opportunity means that selected works of mine will be available at the gallery their online gallery for the foreseeable future, with regular rotations to keep the collection dynamic and fresh.

While my work will be featured at Gallery02, I also continue to offer original pieces directly from my studio. If you are interested in a unique piece not on display at the gallery, please reach out to me. Additionally, prints of my work are available through my online print gallery, providing an accessible way for art lovers to enjoy my creations in various formats.

My studio is located in the historic Fairchild House in DeMotte, Indiana, where I draw inspiration and create my art. I encourage you to contact me for more information, to inquire about available works, or to arrange a studio visit. Your interest and support are greatly appreciated, and I look forward to sharing my artistic journey with you.


Areas Covered

Online / NW Indiana

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